jueves, 23 de febrero de 2017

KET: Listening practice: telephone numbers

Hello KET students...Here are some listening exercises: you may have to write down a telephone number in the listening exam, so this is good practice. These exercises are quite difficult because the teacher only says the number once (one time), but if you find it too hard you can always pause and go back a bit to listen again. Have a pencil and paper ready! 

 Now, can you describe this picture? 

Have fun!

PET: Spelling practice for the listening exam

Hello PET students...Here are some listening exercises: you will have to listen to and write down a name in the listening exam, so you need to practise. The  following exercises are quite difficult because the teacher only says the number once (one time), but if you find it too hard you can always go back at the end to listen again.) On the other hand, it would be great if you could do it listening only once, that way you would get really skilled at this activity.) Have a pencil and paper ready! 

Now, can you describe this picture? Look at it carefully for minor details.

Have fun!

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017

Some great exam practice web-pages.

Hello year 6. 
Not long from now, Ana and I will be giving you another KET/PET practice exam. so here are some very useful links where you can prepare yourself and practise reading, listening and speaking. There are plenty of activities to do here, so remember these links and use them often. Remember, do some English every day if you can!  

















Now, look at this picture for one minute and then describe it in as much detail without looking. Then check to see how much you remembered. look up any words you don't know in a dictionary. 

Have fun!

lunes, 13 de febrero de 2017

Practise for the test next week!!

Hi year six. You have a little exam coming up..(yay!),
and one of the things you will be doing is a gap-fill/cloze text...so get some extra practice with the following links. Remember to always read the whole text first, and read the words before and after each gap carefully, they give you clues to what the word is.

PET STUDENTS also need to practice doing sentence transformations as much as possible, even though I will be showing you how to do diferent types in class. Here are some to practise with:

But don't stop there! look for more sentence transformation practice exercises by putting 'PET sentence transformations' in Google - you will find a lot of pages.

Lastly, can you describe this picture? Why is the boy so small, or the book so big? What is happening, and what will happen later? Describ everything you see in as much detail as possible.

Have fun!

viernes, 10 de febrero de 2017

Connectors and some pictures to describe

Hi year 6. Here is a great video which uses a lot of conjunctions/connectors. Watch it, read the explanation and then do the 'Grammar check' exercises. By the time you finish you should be an expert! 

Next, do you like street art? Describe everything in these pictures. Don't forget to mention the foreground and the background. Do you have any idea which country each one is painted in? Say how you would feel if someone painted one of these pictures in your street. Which is your favourite, and why? 

Have fun!

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2017

Something to talk about.

Hi year 6. Here are some pictures for you to use to practise your speaking skills over the weekend. Describe each picture or cartoon sequence in as much detail as possible, and check any vocabulary you don't know in a dictionary...(What will happen when the golf-player hits the ball?)


Send me a post to tell me which picture is your favourite.