domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2016

Christmas is coming!

Hello year six, nearly the end of term now and as the old nursery rhyme tells us, christmas is nearly here:

Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat,
Please put a penny in the old man's hat,
If you haven't got a penny, a ha'penny will do,
If you haven't got a ha'penny, then God bless you!

(A ha'penny is half a penny)

First, do you remember writing the letter to Lady Macbeth? I was really proud you did it so well. You will have to practise writing letters next term, so I've found a couple that you might find interesting or funny. They are to Santa, and they have been written by children. How many mistakes can you find in them? (in the format, spelling, grammar...)Post me feedback here on my blog please.

 Next, here is a recipe you might like to try out over the holidays if you like baking. Let me know how it goes if you do decide to make them. Click on the link below.

Christmas biscuits

 A lot of you have problems using the past tense, so here are some games you can play, just click on these links.

Past simple questions: game

Past simple games

 Have fun!

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016


Hello year six, and welcome to my blog! During the school year I shall be posting stuff here related to what we are doing in class. I hope you enjoy using it.

To kick off (to start), I'm going give you some links to a game that you can play to practise using the present simple and continuous tenses, since these are what you have been studying in class recently. Click on the following link:

Present simple and Present continuous snakes and ladders game

And here is a game to practise prepositions of place, because a lot of you have problems with 'in' and 'on':

prepositions of place game

This year you also need to practise speaking in English as much as you can, so here is a picture for you to describe (To your mum, dad, dog, goldfish....) Don't just describe what you can see, try and imagine who the boy/girl is, and how he or she came be holding this book, and how the wolves got there. Use expressions like 'maybe' or 'perhaps' 

Last of all, I love the Autumn, so I want to send you a link to a webpage all about this season. it's got lots of information about the animals and plants you can find at this time of year:

Autumn wildlife watch

Have fun!!