jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016


Hello year six, and welcome to my blog! During the school year I shall be posting stuff here related to what we are doing in class. I hope you enjoy using it.

To kick off (to start), I'm going give you some links to a game that you can play to practise using the present simple and continuous tenses, since these are what you have been studying in class recently. Click on the following link:

Present simple and Present continuous snakes and ladders game

And here is a game to practise prepositions of place, because a lot of you have problems with 'in' and 'on':

prepositions of place game

This year you also need to practise speaking in English as much as you can, so here is a picture for you to describe (To your mum, dad, dog, goldfish....) Don't just describe what you can see, try and imagine who the boy/girl is, and how he or she came be holding this book, and how the wolves got there. Use expressions like 'maybe' or 'perhaps' 

Last of all, I love the Autumn, so I want to send you a link to a webpage all about this season. it's got lots of information about the animals and plants you can find at this time of year:

Autumn wildlife watch

Have fun!!